Use this useful template to report on your companies monthly digital marketing KPIs. We have even thrown in some useful graphs to help you visualise your progress.
Download the templateThis Google Sheet is a simple template for weekly reporting on digital marketing metrics and KPIs. It includes metrics like Spend, Cost Per Lead, % of Leads that are qualified and also has breakdowns by channels like LinkedIn and Google Ads.
Weekly reporting is an important part of working in Digital Marketing. Unlike B2C marketing, weekly reporting is the most important cadence to report on when working in a B2B SaaS company.
One of the most important parts of reporting on marketing metrics is keeping track of the amount of money you are spending on paid advertising and monitoring the ROI of your ads.
We've also included some handy graphs into the spreadsheet. These can be used to measure growth and the scale of your marketing operations as well as keeping track of the efficiency of your marketing efforts by monitoring conversion rates